Briony Law

Briony is a Brisbane-based artist whose contemporary art practice follows a core interest in nature and sensory experience, and their relationship in the context of urbanisation and the Anthropocene. She is interested in using sensory experience and technology to find new ways of understanding how their interaction impacts on conceptions. Briony graduated from Queensland University Technology with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Visual Art) (Honours). In 2017, she participated in the Futurelab Academy and presented “1:1” as part of a collaborative team at Robotronica and the Ars Electronica Festival.

This year, she contributed to a mixed reality project with “1:1” collaborators for the Flowstate artist-in-residency program and exhibited at the Boxcopy Contemporary Art Space.

In January, Briony is travelling to the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity for their Artist In Residence Winter program.